1 Simple Way to Start Realizing Your Dreams

1 Simple Way to Start Realizing Your Dreams

Have you ever dreamt of trying something new?

Learning a new skill?
Making a new friend?
Going back to school?
Picking up a new hobby?
Trying that recipe you saw online?
Applying for that new job?

And then… has this ever then been immediately taken from you by negative self-talk?

“I don’t have time for that.”
“I could never do that.”
“I just don’t know where to start, so why bother?”

Let’s face it, we all have experienced this at some point or another.

Odds are, the negative self-talk is there because it was either given to you by someone else, has become a learned protection due to an experience, or the thing you’re considering is just not something you’ve considered before and is perhaps a bit intimidating.

What if you challenged that negative self-talk by responding with positive self-talk instead?

What if you tried that new thing, learned that new skill, started talking to that new friend, started the process to go back to school, spruced up your resume to apply to that new job, bought the things to try that new hobby or ingredients to try that recipe?

Where does one even start to challenge the negative self-talk?

Step one is to spend a little time clarifying exactly what you want. Write it down, speak it to someone, make it real.

Then, when the negative self-talk starts, write those down, too. Address each negative comment or thought head on, and write down how you can move forward.

Now that you have visualized the dream and figured out how you might navigate through the barriers, what’s the first step you’re going to take towards the thing you want most right now, today?

Written by: Erin Bray-Mullens, LCSW


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